funny ways to ask for a favor

This is having things in common with somebody else. Gracias por el paro. Ill be happy to lay out and edit the next two monthly company newsletters as a way of saying thank you unless theres something else youd rather have me take off your hands.. I'm hoping you could vote for me in an online contest where I can win a big prize for my work. BTW, you look great today! Roger Dooley: Welcome to Brainfluence, Im Roger Dooley. 2. Speaking for the competition teams, if you have a child who wishes to perform and compete, then Starstruck is for you. If You'd Like an Introduction. You can improve. asking for favors. Then perhaps you might use a little bit of flattery and again, be sincere and specific. So I suggest you use this for tiny favors only, if youre asking for something that involves a lot of time, effort or money the other person may give your reason more than a purser unconscious inspection. Accept rejection happily, as no one is bound to do favors. It's Time to Start Your Meeting Diet! And we shouldnt feel like were belittling ourselves or bothering others by asking for favors if we do so graciously, out of sincere need, and with an understanding of and appreciation for the kindness that others are extending to us. Often, the writers credibility is further damaged by the pitch being wildly off-target. Were all going to need the help of others at points in our lives, and because of that, within respectful boundaries, its great to give favors. That way I can remind you of how awesome I am, and then hopefully your show will get picked up and you can give me a job. That approach alone will help you stand out from the spammy help seekers. Youre protecting the innocence and well-being of children. The data analysis is specifically about getting free pizza from strangers on Reddit, but it could also clue us in to how altruism works elsewhere, online and off. Do you have any time to help me? Another Cialdini principle is liking. When you highlight things you have in common with your persuasion target, your request is more likely to be granted. Need a favor? Always be honest about all the reasons. Roger Dooley is the author of Friction and Brainfluence. Leave space for them to escape if they want to. And by ethical, that means that you should be getting the person to a better place. To stand out from the canned pitches, use flattery wisely. Ask nicely, and if the answer is no, walk away with a smile and your dignity. Looking back, you wont regret one moment you spent with them. The favors that we do for others come from our free will and the goodness of our heart, not as down payment for future favors from them. 6. Think hard so youll already know whom youre going to ask next if youre declined. Contented shoppers are easy to approach and ask for positive reviews. To my surprise, the email didnt even say what this startup was doing. #Neuromarketing Click To Tweet If you'd like to see me in a hat that says "Womentum" and/or you'd like to invest your money in the preservation of breasts, cervixes and ovaries, this is a spectacular opportunity. In fact, this experiment has been replicated so many times around the globe it has its own acronym, BYAF, but you are free. Thank them graciously if they say yes. You might want to discuss the matter with two or three other trusted adults in your circle who would join you in agreeing to watch the children and befriend the parents. Here are seven of my favorite ways to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome: One of Robert Cialdinis seven principles of influence is reciprocation. His research and that of other scientists shows that if you do someone a favor first, they are more likely to reciprocate. Youll want to thank them verbally as soon as they say yes. But I encourage you not to use fake flattery instead be sincere and be specific. Even simple questions can bring some hilarious responses that would make anyone laugh. Even the emails you send and phone calls you make likely have a favor request embedded in them. Thank you for tuning into this episode of Brainfluence. #Neuromarketing Click To Tweet. So what Franklin is saying is that as powerful as reciprocation is this effect may be even more powerful than that in some cases. Begin your request by making your intentions clear: You want there to be no confusion on the part of those whom youre asking for a favor. And saving the flattery for the end may work better than leading with it, according to author Simon Sinek. And your response will most likely be, Your welcome, it was nothing. Or some other typical socially acceptable response. This makes people more likely to agree. As I described in Four Words That Double Persuasion, asking for a favor and then using a BYAF closing increased compliance by an average of 100% in experiments around the world. Thats unlikely. But, the ploy may still get you to choose a more expensive bottle. What are the funniest, craziest and most unique ways of asking someone out on a date (stranger or otherwise)? August 20, 2020 By Roger Dooley Leave a Comment. Excuse yourself and leave if you need to; eventually, theyll get the message. Researchers think that offering the option to choose removes the feeling of being pressured to grant the favor. If I can answer any questions, you can email me at [emailprotected]. I love your work and I always listen to your podcast. And this is great, but I cant always tell if they are really a true fan or if they have simply used CRM software to auto-populate their form letter with the name of my book or my blog and my podcast or something of that nature. You show respect. This is one of Robert Cialdinis famous Seven Now Principles of Influence, and its perhaps one of the most powerful. Your brain would be struggling with that, Well, I did this one favor Not consciously, of course, but unconsciously, we say, It seems quite A little bit off. So it makes it a little bit easier to say yes to the second request and eliminate that cognitive dissonance. If you ask someone for a favor at an inconvenient time, you can embarrass or even anger him or her. A favor is a private matter. When you have something in common with somebody else, you are more likely to be persuasive with them when you ask them for a favor. There might be something you can do later, and you should be happy to let the person know you'll remember their act of kindness in the future. Chances are they started off with pleasantries, then vaguely let you know they wanted help, beat around the bush for awhile, and then finally got to the point. The other day, I got one from a stranger asking me to write an article at Forbes about his startup. Be brief. I have to make some copies. Now that makes no sense at all, but they were just about a successful is when they had a valid reason. It's that fear that does us in. Tell me the magical words. But, theres a caution. As a whole, the study points to the idea that we, as humans, like an explanation or justification for behaviors and actions. Get her number on the sly with this line. Reciprocation works when there is no quid-pro-quo or expectation of a return favor. How Did Unlikable Margaret Thatcher Create Charisma? They might see that their help is the best solution and more eagerly say yes, or they might actually have an idea you never thought of which will provide the help you need. Thanks for sharing all of this great information. display: none !important; Every journalist, blogger and content creator wants good stories. Besides, those precious little ones are going to need all the good influence and love you can lavish on them. If not, I definitely understand, and would appreciate any pointers you might have about applying to your company. Email is less uncomfortable, easier on the ego. 7 Ways to Get Psyched & Ace Your Performance, Wikipedia Knows What Social Proof Is, But, Cultural Frame Switching: Different Language, Different Personality. And what happens is that sort of slowly sinks into your inbox until it disappears never to be seen again, so thats a little bit tougher to do in person. Every time you . Almost every day, I get emails from people I barely know (or dont know at all!) 10. Now, here is the interesting part, even fake flattery works. So you can say this has at least somewhat of a blessing from the master himself. That doesnt mean you always have to immediately demand a favor when you do something for somebody, but just be aware that there can be a fading over time of that reciprocation effect. Im definitely going to put these ideas into action. Youre doing a couple of things here, you were setting up that future reciprocation and you are also telling that person that they are the kind of person that does favors for people, that is generous with their time. I told her to send what she had because it was funny, unpretentious, and kind. Nevertheless, they did have a significant impact on the amount of the tip, they established that reciprocation. The Dean said, Bob, weve got a favor to ask of you. We should give freely so that we know how to receive freely and graciously when a season of our life comes when we need more favors than we ever imagined: a seriously ill family member, a family tragedy, a personal injury or prolonged health problem, financial troubles, a child or teen who is going through a rebellious or difficult streak, mental health issues, extreme stress, a job demotion or loss, a divorce, a home fire, a tornado my goodness, we could make this a three-page list of possible scenarios. We may earn a commission from links on this page. When you are asking for a favor, here are the three key steps to keep in mind: Set the Stage: "I have a favor to ask you" Give a Reason Provide an Escape Clause Set the Stage The phrase "I. 4. Franklin employed the strategy himself by asking to borrow a rare book from a political rival. Plus, your verbal thank you is immediate and in person. The word because seems to have an almost magical effect. I got an email from a stranger asking me to write an article at Forbes about his startup. My friend wanted to get involved and sent the following email (details redacted for privacy purposes): This is [SENDER]. When you want something, you need to get to the point. 8. The "right now" part of the phrase can also be edited to describe a different timespan, such as "this month" or "this evening". Let them know theyll be your hero. I really appreciate your time and guidance. And now I have your number so we can chat later! Ask in a private setting. People have asked me, Roger, whats the difference between liking and unity, they seem the same? Unity is more powerful because while liking our shared attributes, unity is shared identity. And then you may, depending on the situation, be able to use reciprocation. And thats OK. Just as you can choose to enjoy the gift of giving without expecting anything in return now, youll be giving others the chance to experience that gift when youre on the receiving end instead of the giving end. But, if you can smoothly combine a few of them for maximum effect, your chance for success will be much greater. When someone says "No" we feel rejected. It may be that industry newsletter or job board they swear by is even more valuable than you wouldve guessed. His original plan was to basically research, write his new book, which ended up being Pre-Suasion and basically hang out with these smart people at Stanford. When someone asks you for a favor, you'll have to either grant it (say yes) or refuse it (say no). 03. The 21,000+ posts on that subreddit since it was started in December 2010 offer great insights into what makes a request successful. The compliments fall flat because they sound, to the recipient, like you're only giving them because you want something. Or they will avoid you altogether. A little stalking on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram will almost surely turn up something. ), People. And this comes from an experiment, but it involved a line of people waiting to make copies in the copy machine. The interesting thing about this approach is that the favors do not have to be equivalent in magnitude sometimes a very small initial favor by you get you a much larger favor in return. No food or money until Thursday, can pay back on Thursday (NY), How to Ask for a Favor: A Case Study on the Success of Altruistic Requests. In short, when you ask in person youll seem more trustworthy and youll probably be surprised by how well you do. First, its short and to the point. In his fascinating and insight-filled bookStumbling on Happiness, author Daniel Gilbert shares that when asked far in advance for a favor, people more often say yes. Add some forced pleasantries on top of that and you've got one crappy request for help. You don't need to go on and on, or you'll make the person uncomfortable. I haven't seen you in years. So after just a moment or two of initial pleasantries like, Good morning, try saying something along the lines of Ashleigh, I have a favor to ask of you.. And after my talk, I went back and talked to him and either he was very polite or he did actually buy my explanation because he agreed that it was a good example. But, as Ive noted before, do this in a friendly, casual way that doesnt sound like you expect a debt to be repaid. It's Time to Start Your Meeting Diet! The favors need not be equal in magnitude. However, as we all know, just because you once worked with someone or follow each other on social sites, it doesnt mean youre close enough to intro them to new people. Your email address will not be published. A ride-sharing app for jets? I deleted the email and forgot about it. Its easy to think that they owe us (and maybe they kinda do), but actually, they dont literally owe us. The reason? And the important thing is that this should not be a quid pro quo. Alexa, roll a dice. (PDF). Now, a wild way of asking for something is to provide any reason at all. The Best Ways to Ask for a Favor (The 3-Step Formula) 1. People who need people, Are the luckiest people in the world, The lyricists were right: when you understand that none of us are going to get happily through this world without needing other people, you are one of the luckiest people in the world.. Do everything that you can on your own in regards to what youre asking, and share what steps youve taken with them as you ask for the favor. Flattery increases your persuasive ability. and "No food or money until Thursday, can pay back on Thursday (NY)." |. Most Relevant is selected, so some comments may have been filtered out. Set the stage. What excited them enough, that they forked over a pile of their money? Heres another counter-intuitive finding: letting people know they have a choice makes them more likely to be persuaded, not less. We are used to people asking for a favor and explaining why they need you to do said favor, and so when asked to do something for someone else, we listen for the rhythms of this conventional social interaction. Pointing out your commonalities before bringing up the favor you need will boost your chances of getting it. This applies to all thank yous for favors. Say thanks and make the world a better place. Do this in a very subtle way and lighthearted way. First things first, if you wouldnt meet with them for coffee socially, knock that option off the list and instead jump straight to asking the person to hop on a phone call. Some may even reference a specific article. Approach the right person at an appropriate time to ask for a favor. 9. You can find all the versions of this podcast, show notes, links, et cetera at How are you? For more information or for links to Amazon and other sellers, go to You lose all the body language clues; however, you keep the clues gained through tone of voice, silent pauses, and such. In fact, in my time here, [my team has doubled in size and scope, beating our goals by an average of 15% each quarter or another relevant accomplishment]. With no because at all, compliance was just 59%. Now, there is a more powerful tool, unity, and this was the seventh principle that Cialdini added in his book Pre-Suasion and Id say its First of all this is my term, not Cialdinis term, I call it liking on steroids. So this one also comes from a conversation with Robert Cialdini and my friend, Guy Kawasaki. Floaty phrases like "whenever you can" or "if you get a sec" put the onus on the person who is already doing . Asking for a favor can be scary because, in many cases, you're asking to be rejected. Reviews help others discover this podcast and I greatly appreciate them! Whats happening here is Cialdinis principle of commitment and consistency is being invoked. Saying "chief" is another way to say "boss."I In reality, you don't actually work for him/her. Perhaps you tripped . Nobody's going to say yes before the favor is clearly told. Cool. Its the favor that you did first that invokes the effect, but the phrase is a reminder that creates a tacit commitment from the other person. If not, I totally understand. If they press you for why youre not helping (people like this usually do), add something like My reasons are personal, and because of that, Im not able to share them. Each time they ask why or a variation of why, give them the EXACT same answer. While it may not always be possible to ask for a favor in person, do it if you can. Use The Muse to find a job at a company with a culture you love. I signed up for this 5k run/walk with some friends and apparently it's to help raise money for curing women's cancers (my apologies to those of you who were hoping to cure testicular cancernot this time). And therefore bringing out some specifics in that flattery, so that its clear to the person that youre talking to, that yes, A, you are being truthful and B, you really do know whatever it is youre flattering about whether it is the work that theyre doing, what theyve accomplished within their company, anything be just a little bit specific. Its not worth hurt feelings. #Neuromarketing Click To Tweet She sent it and received a yes a few hours later. Now he was rather pleased with this, it was more than he expected and then the other shoe dropped. If asking for favors makes you uncomfortable, you're in good company. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Neuroscience Marketing | Roger Dooley | Privacy Policy, Need a favor? Be seated.. The first lines are as iconic as she is. Votes: 1 John Churton Collins When somebody asks for a favor involving information, if you don't know him or can't verify his identity, just say no. Part 1 Asking a Favor Courteously 1 Approach your helper at an appropriate time. For nearly three years, she was an editor at The Muse, and she's regularly contributed career advice to Mashable. For this company I have to assume there was some kind of unique and compelling story that brought investors in, in the first place. Good manners ask us to lay out the welcome mat for everyone. If not, would it be possible for me to send you a couple of questions over email. If youre not part of the Manners Mentor Movement, join me today by subscribing and adding your name to all the others who understand that living out the Golden Rule is as important today as it ever was! Shoot! Refer a potential client or speaking opportunity. Two days later, the same guy sent me a second email that said only, Just making sure you saw this., The good news for this sender is that his email DID inspire me to write an article. And when youre using these techniques, let me remind you, please do them in a way that helps the other person, not manipulates them. For example, you might start with liking. Short and sweet. 1) What if they say "No" - We're afraid to ask for a favor because we don't want to hear a "No". But if she does, nows the best time for you to walk away with a simple, polite, and sincere Excuse the interruption, then.. People are busy, so its best to get to the point. They do have options, its up to them and that will enable them hopefully to grant you your favor. Allow me to share the how-to and why of each of them with you. I hope you're doing well. Ive been really hoping to get in touch with her [to interview her for a project Im working on/ask her to speak at event my company is holding/learn what her transition from one career path to another was really like]. As an Amazon Associate, I earnfrom qualifying purchases, Copyright 2015 - 2023, Maralee McKee - The Etiquette School of America. Whatever you do, dont sound like a mail merge gone awry. The circular design of the power strip allows for the 15" to coil up inside the body of the productmaking it easy to wrap up and throw in a bag to take with you when traveling. If someone can't (or doesn't want to) help you, there isn't much you can do about it. If the first person says no, you dont want to be caught without anywhere else to turn. Give them an out, let them know that your choice is a good choice, but they do not have to make that choice. Everyone likes to feel good, but when you want something you have to be very careful about how you employ your allure. Next, youd send a written yes, a written thank you via snail mail. Your email address will not be published. What? Thanks.". You also might decrease the chances he or she will say yes. If the requests are compelling enough, other Reddit members buy the pizza. If they are a doctor, financial planner, decorator, accountant, or counselor, or anyone else who normally is paid for advice, keep in mind that asking a question in their field is asking for a favor. No one except your math teacher ever said things had to be equal to be right! If youre in a bad spot and this favor is important, explain why its so important. Fortunately, todays social media environment gives you plenty of opportunity to find those common elements. The next time you ask, and every time after that, youll more than likely get a firm no. If Im asking something youre not comfortable doing, I understand.. Pay the recipients a compliment that shows you are really familiar with them and their work. Although it may seem counterintuitive, the best way to ask for a favor follows nearly the same route as Sir Winston Churchills famous advice about giving a toast: Begin. Do the other person a small favor first! Again, they dont expect it, but that just makes it even nicer when they receive it! When it comes time for you to need favors, you might not be able to repay them all. The importance of reciprocation. This search engine reveals so much more. But for something small, give it a try. How Did Unlikable Margaret Thatcher Create Charisma? Their yes or no should be based on full information, so youll want to share all you know about what it will require of them concerning their: time, money, skills, work, fast-approaching deadline, tools or other items, etc. Provide an escape clause. The show notes page at will have the audio, video and text versions of this show. The mental tension can be resolved by granting both favors. I understand that they dont expect it, but they also wont think less of you for sending them a handwritten, permanent reminder of how much you appreciate what they did for you! If theyre too busy to catch up with close friends, its unlikely theyll drop everything to answer your questions for 45 minutes. 1. The Dean explained that they had fixed them up with a great office, that he had an assistant available if he needed any help with anything, that is library privileges were all set up, basically that everything that he would need had been taken care of. If you enjoy the show, please drop by iTunes and leave a review while you are feeling the love! Its hard, but try not to take it personally. As reputation is everything. You know that if you meet somebody from Texas, they will explain how everything in Texas is better than whatever it is in your other state, its bigger and therefore being from Texas is more like unity than simply sharing one of the other state identities. But its also kind of a huge ask. Share her content on social media. First, ask the requester for a one-paragraph summary of his request, so that you . IoT-enabled underwear? I deleted the email and forgot about it. First, youre sharing why youre qualified for the role, so your contact doesnt have to do any additional legwork. Fulfilling favors (while respecting our personal boundaries and not allowing ourselves to become doormats) is one beautiful way we share the fruit of our spirit. Go ahead! Pay special attention to the form of the verb used in each case. (Sing or hum along as you read them if you want! Think about it: How often are you reaching out to schedule a meeting, get an order, or get another person to do something that will ultimately benefit you? I get daily email pitches that start with how much the writer enjoys my work. Charge multiple devicesThe circular design of the power strip allows for the 15" to coil up inside the body of the productmaking it easy to wrap up and throw in a bag to take with you when traveling. Be brief. Her book on how moms can teach their children to become the best version of themselves (Harvest House Publishing) earned the prestigious Moms Choice Gold Award for excellence in parenting books. Please! looks needed. For the other 90+ percent, try to say yes as much as possible. Think about the last time someone asked a favor of you. For over five years, my late husband and I basically parented a child who wasnt ours. The classic research on this had a waiter deliver a check, the bill for a meal to the patrons and what they found was that including a single mint created a greater tip than the mint less bill and adding another mint, increase the tip even more. Most people don't think twice about being asked for favors, unless you come across as needy and constantly want something. (Maybe it can, but nobody really believes that.) Select the career path that aligns with you: How many years of experience do you have? Now, another counterintuitive persuasion technique when youre asking for favor is to give the person an out. Give a reason. What persuasive language did he use? What's the moral of these stories? So ask in a way that informs their decisionand lets them say no without risking your friendship: I see theres an opening for a senior management role at [Their Company]. People really consider this part of their identity. Examples of their expressions included: Other-praising: " It shows how responsible . Here's how to ask for 360 feedback in an email: Keep your request brief. And, if you are using a personalized approach, do it right. Even if weve done favors in the past for those from whom were now asking favors, they dont owe us any favors. And the reason that it works researchers find is that asking in person creates more trust between the two parties and is more successful overall. Your participation in this race is mostly pointless if you don't raise some money, and so I sent this message to a bunch of people I know: I'm about to ask you for money. Often, these have the feel of a mass mailing with a couple of personalized fields in the mail merge. How to ask for a favorand get it. As you explain your need for the favor, ask whether they have any suggestions for you. Now the value of these mints in comparison to the total bill or even the amount of the tip is negligible. But you get it, right? It's a rejection of us rather than the rejection of the favor. The Ben Franklin effect is a psychological phenomenon which implies that a person feels more connected to someone who has asked him or her for a favour. Lead with your feedback request. Yeah, so how's life? And when youre using these techniques, you can stack them. And if youre listening in audio format right now, you should know that this episode is available in video format as well, as many of you have seen my in-person keynotes and workshops know I get carried away with visuals, so the video version will have images in a virtual keynote format, not just my talking head. It is quite an interesting read, thanks for sharing. One is the competition teams; the other is standard dance classes. You may recall that we were BFFs during the first season of [TV SHOW], and I was hoping you might let me come by the set of [YOUR NEW TV SHOW] when you start shooting so I can see how it works. And this is one of the creative ways to ask for google reviews. When you're charming, you make another person feel good. 7 Best Ways To Get Reviews: How To Ask For Reviews + Examples Top Ways To Ask And Get Good Customer Reviews Online reviews and testimonials are invaluable to your business. And by that, I mean that it is quite a bit like liking. It's really amazing! Here are seven of my favorite ways to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome: Invoke Reciprocation One of Robert Cialdini's seven principles of influence is " reciprocation ." | Brainfluence Brief, The Power of INaction with Jinny Uppal - Brainfluence, Roger Dooley Speaking at Marketing Forum, Milan, Italy, The Best Way To Start A Meeting with Vanessa Van Edwards, Tom Peters: The Best Way to Measure Leadership Ability, Southwests $825 Million Loss Signals Why Companies Shouldnt Put Off Internal Investments, CUES: The Secrets of Charismatic Communication, Neuromarketing in Business with Benny Briesemeister. 4. Let them know that something that they have done that has impressed you and give them a little bit of the information so they know that you arent just making it up. But here is the crazy part, if they tried to cut and offered a nonsense reason, for instance, Do you mind if I cut in line? The tactic of offering people a choice has been tested in so many labs around the world that it has an acronym: BYAF. Maybe you are both dog owners. Asking a Favor Could / Would you do me a favor? Any time you could give would be great. Anything like that will be a favor to them, not a big favor necessarily, but it still shows that you are working to help them. Make likely have a significant impact on the ego other scientists shows that if you ask in person your. Researchers think that offering the option to choose a more expensive bottle people asked... Scientists shows that if you want something ( NY ). back on (. 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Boost your chances of getting it spammy help seekers is being invoked re asking to right. Share the how-to and why of each of them with you request and eliminate that dissonance! ( the 3-Step Formula ) 1 information or for links to Amazon and other,! To them and that will enable them hopefully to grant the favor, whether... Cialdinis principle of commitment and consistency is being invoked hum along as you your! And youll probably be surprised by how well you do, dont sound a..., my late husband and I always listen to your company, a written thank you via snail mail.... The Dean said, Bob, weve got a favor at an appropriate time you: how many of. Second request and eliminate that cognitive dissonance or she will say yes as much as.! Nearly three years, she was an editor at the Muse, and kind prize for my work,! Culture you love the writer enjoys my work other day, I got one from a asking... Selected, so your contact doesnt have to be right for something small, them! Few hours later wont regret one moment you spent with them, et at... Seem more trustworthy and youll probably be surprised by how well you do me a favor of you you,. A big prize for my work a better place Thursday ( NY ). maximum effect your! In some cases attention to the second request and eliminate that cognitive dissonance trustworthy and probably. Situation, be sincere and specific social media environment gives you plenty of opportunity to a. Can do about it were funny ways to ask for a favor about a successful is when they had a valid reason you wont one... To have an almost magical effect more powerful than that in some cases just 59 % at. Answer any questions, you make likely have a child who wasnt ours Amazon... Snail mail iTunes and leave if you need to go on and on, or you 'll make the an... The requests are compelling enough, other Reddit members buy the pizza shared attributes, unity is identity... 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